Jaswinder Bolina’s latest book English as a Second Language and Other Poems (2023) is out now from Copper Canyon Press.
His debut collection of essays Of Color (2020) is available from McSweeney’s.
His previous books include The 44th of July (2019), long-listed for the 2019 PEN America Open Book Award; Phantom Camera (2013), winner of the 2012 Green Rose Prize in Poetry; Carrier Wave (2007), winner of the 2006 Colorado Prize for Poetry; and the digital chapbook The Tallest Building in America (2014).
Phantom Camera (2013) is also available in syndicated international edition from Hachette India.
Bolina’s poems have been featured in The Best American Poetry series and have appeared in Poetry, The New Yorker, American Poetry Review, Ploughshares, and other journals.
His essays can be found at The Washington Post, The Paris Review, Shenandoah, Poetry Foundation dot org, and elsewhere.